PROGRESSIVE PERFORMANCE - creative producer, Wearable Art Bridge Walk 2019

Under Marnie's production company profile Filtered Events, Marnie worked closely with artistic director Michelle Boylan for this project. From the stroy that brought alive the 20 or so Wearable Art Mandurah garments to create a story and design the site, and every other aspect of this 1-hour performance walk in collaboration with clients City of Mandurah. 

This was a small production but a huge production undertaking due to its very site specific remit and moving audience. 550 people attended the 9 progressive performance installation spots along the way, to then stop and listen to the incredible didgeridoo playing of local elder George, and then the sounds of WA Opera stars singing with a local choir. Pia, the international opera singer collaborated with the site specific performance art to weave the performances into a stunning story of light and dark.  

Thank you to the incredible crew of Filtered Events and PSI Audio Visual.

Marnie's role extended to choreography and installation designer/producer, working under Michelle's vision.