WORKSHOP: Bodyweather Movement Training & Research

4-day intensive 17-20 June 2008
Plus every Tuesday in June - 3, 10, 17 & 24.
9:45am – 5pm.
King Street Arts Centre (357-365 Murray Street, Perth).
$28/day ($25/conc) for drop-in.
Or $160 for full 7 day course. Age 16+.
Bookings & Enquiries: Marnie Orr - 0412 115 925 /
No movement experience necessary
This workshop is designed as a creative setting for all people that use creativity in their practice, or whom are interested in body-place relation, site-specific or field-based practices, or the relation of dance/creative movement to ecology. Each day begins with a morning physical workout in the studio (called an MB - which stands for Mind/Body, Muscle, Bone). In the afternoon people are invited to work within defined tasks to pursue their own line of enquiry (through any medium) or work in collaboration. Nav-Lab is particularly receptive to developing new relations to media triangulating body-camera-country.

Nav-Lab accesses Bodyweather methods and philosophy in an invigorating process moving from morning studio training to an afternoon of outdoor solo and group activities within the stunning valleys and hills of Kalamunda National Park and other places along Perth's Darling Scarp.

Nav-Lab is a cross-disciplinary investigation into the creation of highly engaged bodies through immersive site-specific movement-based processes inhabiting environments both internal and external to the body.
Nav-Lab aims to build shared sensibilities by charting our senses through:
transparency | in/visibility | impersonality | expansion/diminish | dispersion/contraction | decision/non-decision | synaesthesia | cartography.